Yoga Spirituality Enlightenment & God

Science of Identity Foundation presents
Understanding Yoga Spirituality Enlightenment & God by Acharya Das

Ended: October 4, 2017

Part 1 - Yoga

In the first part of the series, Acharya Das will discuss the topic of yoga. He will clear up common misconceptions of what yoga is, describe the ultimate goal of yoga, and explain the process by which the goal of yoga can be achieved.

Part 2 - Spirituality
Part 2 - Spirituality
Ended: October 5, 2017

Part 2 - Spirituality

Spirituality is the topic of the second part of the series. Spirituality is broadly defined as including a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves—typically involving a search for the meaning in life. Acharya das will explain the differences between the material and spiritual energies and also contrast the materialistic and spiritual world-views.

Part 3 - Enlightenment
Part 3 - Enlightenment
Ended: October 6, 2017

Part 3 - Enlightenment

During the third part, Acharya Das will discuss the topic of enlightenment. He will explain that the foundation of enlightenment and self-realization is to understand that a person is not their material body or mind—that they are a spiritual being.

Part 4 - The Question of God
Part 4 - The Question of God
Ended: October 7, 2017

Part 4 - The Question of God

In the fourth and final part of this series, Acharya das delves into the topic of God. In particular, he addresses the question, “Is there a God or Absolute Truth?” From the yoga perspective, he explains the three levels of God realization, namely Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan, and describes the experience and consciousness that result from these different levels of realization.